The treasure of health is hidden in fennel seeds benefits – News18 Hindi

The treasure of health is hidden in fennel seeds benefits – News18 Hindi

Hina Azmi/Dehradun. Fennel and sugar candy are eaten as mouth freshener, but do you know that the treasure of our health is hidden in it. Fennel has anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. There is a treasure of nutrients hidden in a simple fennel. It is beneficial for throat, eyes and skin. Ayurveda doctor Shalini Jugran, resident of Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand, said that fennel is called fennel seeds in English. It soothes vata and phlegm. It works very well in the marrow dhatu of our body, which is related to the brain and eyes.

Ayurveda doctor Shalini Jugran said that fennel is very beneficial for women who are breastfeeding children. It produces milk. Fennel has a very good effect on the digestive system. This is the reason why people consume fennel and sugar candy after eating food. It is also very beneficial for people suffering from constipation and hyperacidity. Fennel can be used in non bleeding piles. Also told that people suffering from sinus problems during winters get relief if they boil fennel and take its steam.

Effective in making heart healthy
Dr. Shalini Jugran told that fennel contains a lot of fiber. These help in reducing the risk of heart related diseases. It helps reduce total serum cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the blood. At the same time, selenium found in fennel is a mineral which is not found in most fruits and vegetables. It helps in the functioning of liver enzymes and helps in detoxifying cancer causing compounds in the body.

Disclaimer: The medicine/medicine and health benefit recipe advice given in this news is based on the discussion with our experts. This is general information and not personal advice. Every person’s needs are different, so use anything only after consulting doctors. Please note, the Local 18 team will not be responsible for any damages caused by any use.

Tags: Dehradun news, Health News, Local18

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